Buff and Others: Raptor vs Super Hornet

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Tach Deneva
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Buff and Others: Raptor vs Super Hornet

Post by Tach Deneva »

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Buffalo Six
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Post by Buffalo Six »

Kinda like I was saying last night. What you see is a HIGH aspect Snap shot. The F22 is crossing the F18's nose at greater than 90 degrees. The Hornet os about 30 degrees noes down and in a hard pull trying to get behind the raptor. Now I'm sure the Falcon guys will pipe in here with better observations on the hud geometry and info because it's been a while since I had to decipher a HUD.

We dont know the engagement setup nor the particular angles and aspects of the fight at this point. The raptor could be on the Hornets winggie and he is trying to break him off and thus the snap shot. If it was a gun shot and the angles were right, then I think the F22 would be in big trouble but this looks to be a radar shot....no dimond which I think means a sidewinder/IR tracker, so the missle will have to release, accelerate while making a +90 degree nose down turn inside 1000 feet under I think is a high Gload (the hornet is at 179 knts I think, prolly just about stalled it)....so I imagine that even if the shot was taken, and by that marker it was, I have a hard time believeing it would be a kill.
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Post by Grifter »

It just goes to show you. It's the pilot, not the plane does the killing.
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Post by KODIAK »

Well, I dont know much about the F/A-18 HUD, but I notice several things here: different airspeeds, different altitudes (altitudes AND heights), diff aspect, diff angle on nose, diff G, diff Mach - same clock time? :? Is that clock time? Not to mention the black box to indicate gun trigger activated at that range, have to say, he has a good line down/across the fuselage of the F/A-22. Without seeing the video, impossible to really judge from a still even with all that info, but I think I'd give him the kill there. Wonder what the F/A-22 pilot was doing? Sleeping? :roll:
Don't suppose those stills are from two different F/A-18s - a two ship jumping the Raptor? Both with Raptor in the HUD? Might explain the different data in the HUD.
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Post by Hammer_other »

If it was a gun shot and the angles were right, then I think the F22 would be in big trouble but this looks to be a radar shot
No, I think it is a gun shot - IIRC the crossed out 'GUN' means it wasn't armed, and that looks to me like an LCOS pipper over the Raptor (one of the 4 or so different gun modes)
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Post by daofcmacg »

Score one for F/A-18 and a loss for the Raptor fans out there. He had that guy dead to rights and then some but he can only get a short burst because I would be worried about my speed which is low as hell 182 kts wow he was pushing it trying to get a good angel on that Raptor. I don't think he is using guns due to the fact the pipper is not there to guide the rounds plus he has the HUD almost dead center on the Raptor versus ahead and above to compensate for distance and AoA, but the magic circle looks like the ident for a AIM-120 instead of the AIM-9 IR so if he has it uncagged then who knows. Yeah that Raptor pilot needs to wake up he definately dosen't have situational awareness. That dosen't look like the pipper for guns but I could be wrong, again it looks like the AIM-120. Wait I looked at the second picture and yeah it does look like the gun pipper, but that will be a hard shot to make against is AoA.

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