SNowfox Missions 011022

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SNowfox Missions 011022

Post by Bones »

Sortie 1 F-14 CAP:

In this sortie, Grifter took the RIO seat. Grifter killed 2 bandits with the Phoenix. While trying to kill the remaining bandits, we kept getting jumoed by the SAMs. It proved to be too difficult to face bandits with SAM attacks so I elected to fall back and RTB. I even dodged a SAm that whizzed past on us the right. WE RTB'd and caught a 4 wire in 1 pass.

Sortie 2 F/A-18C DEAD:

On this sortie, we decided to take out the SAMs that were giving us so much trouble. We took Hornets and Grifter was loaded up for DEAD while I was a mix of DEAD and AA. Hammer helped out with covering our backs against bandits with the JF-17.

I was able to kill the SA-15 with a PB HARM; the SA-8 HARM didn't guide. I believe Grif was able to take out the SA-8. WE had several bandits try to take us on and with the interference run by Hammer and the SM-2s from the fleet, we were able to not get hit, but unable to take out any bandits, who turned and ran from us as we neared the CVBG. Grifter and I entered the pattern as a section and I trapped a 3 wire while Grif trapped a decent 1.

"Also, I would prefer a back seater over the extra gas any day. I would have 80 pounds of flesh to eat and a pair of glasses to start a fire." --F/A-18 Hornet pilot
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