Snowfox 033022

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Snowfox 033022

Post by Bones »

At the end of this the ship is in turn, it's a pitchblack night, I'm heading back to the boat, and everyone else had to leave for the night.

How did it end?

"Also, I would prefer a back seater over the extra gas any day. I would have 80 pounds of flesh to eat and a pair of glasses to start a fire." --F/A-18 Hornet pilot
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Re: Snowfox 033022

Post by Xpendable »

I didn't take this time around, but I did do some debriefing on my flights. Here goes..

Snowfox 03-31-2022 After Action Report from Xpendable

Flight #1:
Xpendable based at Khasab is tasked as Nightmare 1-1 to destroy buildings at a mine to the west of Bandar-Abbas in an AV-8B-NA. Loading is 2x GBU-32's (1000 lb JDAM), 2x AIM9

14:45:18Z Nightmare 1-1 (Xpendable) starts takeoff roll from Khasab, departing to the north on course to target area.
14:48:23Z Nightmare 1-1 initiates right-hand 360 turn to give time for deconfliction due to enemy aircraft near target.
14:51:00Z Nightmare 1-1 rolls out on northerly course to allow for addition deconflict time.
14:54:18Z Nightmare 1-1 turns left to HDG 337 to navigate to target and begins fencing in.
14:55:00Z (approx) Nightmare 1-1 receives RWR warning from MIG-29S tracking at 10-'clock, likely close range. Decided to press on as was close to target.
14:58:00Z MIG-29S bearing 293 for 10.3 at angels 12, launches R-77 at Nightmare 1-1
14:58:07Z Nightmare 1-1 begins dispensing flares. (No Chaff dispensing observed. Oops!)
14:58:27Z Nightmare 1-1 pickles 1 of 2 GBU-32 1000 lb bombs.
14:58:28Z Nightmare 1-1 hit by R-77 and destroyed before 2nd GBU-32 is released.
14:58:40Z Nightmare 1-1 ejects. GBU-32 not observed to hit target.

15:04:56Z Jedi Master (F-16C) fires AIM-120C at MIG-29S (same one that downed Nightmare 1-1)
15:05:04Z Jedi Master (F-16C) fires second AIM-120C at MIG-29S (same one that downed Nightmare 1-1)
15:05:06Z MIG-29S fires R-77 at Jedi Master
15:05:39Z MIG-29S is hit by first AIM-120C and is destroyed.
15:05:43Z Second AIM-120C hits remains of MIG-29S.
15:05:47Z Jedi Master (F-16C) hit by R-77 and destroyed. This is the same MIG-29S that shot down Nightmare 1-1.

Flight #2:
15:04:41 Nightmare 1-1 (Xpendable) takes off from Khasab with same loadout as before.
15:13:49 Nightmare 1-1 pickles 2x GBU-32's from 7600 feet and executes right 180 degree turn.
Bombs hit designated targets and explosions observed. Mission is not complete, however.
15:15:00 Nightmare 1-1 turns right to heading of 256 and begins readying AGM-65 mavericks for another pass.
15:16:00 Nightmare 1-1 turns north, now at 1,500 feet, beginning a climb.
15:18:05 Nightmare 1-1 begins left-hand 270 degree turn to on-target heading.
15:18:56 Nightmare 1-1 fires AGM-65 #1 from 2600 feet.
15:19:11 Nightmare 1-1 fires AGM-65 #2 from 2500 feet.
15:19:21 MIG-31 fires P-33E #1 at Nightmare 1-1 from a range of 16.4 nm, Angels 20.
15:19:25 Nightmare 1-1 begins deploying flares and chaff.
15:19:29 AGM-65 #1 hits target.
15:19:31 AGM-65 #2 hits target.
15:19:25 Nightmare 1-1 beings hard left turn while continuing to deploy flares and chaff on the deck.
15:20:11 P-33E #1 impacts the ground 2.65 nm behind Nightmare 1-1
15:20:29 Nightmare 1-1 turns south for a 164 heading @ 400 feet to face MIG-31. MIG-31 is range 6.6 head-on @ 700 feet.
15:20:55 Nightmare 1-1 fires AIM-9 from a distance of 5000 feet.
15:20:57 MIG-31 attempts to pull up and starts right-hand bank. Range is now 2600 feet.
15:20:59 MIG-31 is impacted by AIM-9, causing damage to MIG-31.
15:21:00 Nightmare 1-1 passes directly under MIG-31 at a range of 300 feet.
15:21:06 MIG-31 levels out at 1,290 feet heading 021 and continues on. Nightmare 1-1 is heading home.
15:22:50 MIG-31 begins left-hand turn over the coast.
15:23:26 MIG-31 crew ejects.
15:30:27 Nightmare 1-1 lands for rearming and retasking.

Flight #3
Too tired to type up the whole synapses here, but here's the gist. Targets are now supply trucks at Bandar-e Jask. I took off with 4x GBU-54's, 2 AGM-65's, and 2 AIM-9's. Lots of enemy aircraft in the area. I ended up getting chased by 3 pretty pissed off MIG-29A pilots. Jedi Master in an F-16C was working to chase them down but one of the MIg-29A's was getting closer and closer while I tried to run away to the west. At the same time, Hammer (Mirage), Bones (F-14), and Trichome (F-18C) were coming from the east to help try to save me.

Bones fired his Phoenix and Trichome fired an AIM-120 1 second later. Bones fired a second Phoenix just seconds later. All 3 MIG-29's were splashed less than a minute later.

A few minutes later, a new threat of 3x F-5's appeared over the target area. Bones, Hammer, and Trichome all swept in to take them down. I believe Bones got one Phoenix off which ultimately killed one of the F-5's. Unfortunately, the F-5 also got Bones with an AIM-9.

Hammer fired an S530D at one of the F-5's, but his first missed. He fired a second one and it hit. The first F-5 that got Bones started getting on Hammer's 6 as he pulled to the right.

Trichome fired an AIM-120 at the remaining F-5 while Hammer appeared to be trying to get some separation. The AIM-120 missed. Trichome also fired an AIM-9X. This, unfortunately, also missed. The F-5 was able to get another AIM-9 off the rails and this hit and took down Trichome.

Hammer fired a R550 which killed the remaining F-5.

After all that air-to-air action, I was finally arriving on target with 2xGBU-54's ready to be dropped on the supply trucks. I knew there were 2 trucks, but it turns out that the mission had a little bug I think. Only 1 of the 2 trucks counted as a target. The other truck mission truck was actually a good distance away. At any rate, despite dropping 2x500 lb bombs, only one of the first 2 trucks was actually destroyed. I came in and make a second pass and this counted as the first truck group being taken out. The mission still required the other truck that was not close to these trucks to also be taken out. So I warmed up the Mavericks and fired. Unfortunately, the first one missed because the laser turned off. I believe I accidentally switched it off with a hat on my stick. So I had to make a 4th and final pass with the last remaining Maverick. This hit true, and the mission succeeded.

Unfortunately, I was down to about 1300 lbs of fuel at this point, and I would not have made it back. Fortunately for me, I had to sign off anyway because I was already 25 minutes past the time I'm supposed to help the wife get the kids in bed!

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