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IL2 Tweaks

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 08:27
by Buffalo Six
I'll add more as I remember them.........

This one i think is a must.....winggies get talking so much it cover the gun sight........

How can I get rid of the HUD stuff, subtitles and text?

1. Using the Windows notepad, open the conf.ini file.
2. Find the section [game] and in it, set 1 instead of 0 to switch these functions:
NoSubTitles=1 No subtitles for pilots' voices
NoChatter=1 No radio chatter
NoHudLog=1 No HUD text messages and warnings
NoLensFlare=1 No lens flare effects

If you wish to change the max number of speech subtitle lines displayed on the screen at any given time, open the conf.ini file with an editor, and locate the SubTitlesLines setting under the [game] section. Then set the setting to the desired number of lines. For example, to set it to a maximum of two lines at any time, you should have this:

Note that the lines will also be automatically limited by your screen resolution
Don't forget to save your changes!

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 08:36
by Buffalo Six
Here is a great in-depth look at the in game stick tweaking utility.......

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 08:42
by PanzerMeyer
Or alternatively, you can download and install IL-2 Manager 5.0 and you can adjust all of those settings in one easy to use interface! I've been using it for a long time now and its great. You can also use it to tweak graphics settings in greater detail. ... il&ID=2198

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 08:43
by Buffalo Six
And here is a niffty utility for fine tuning your sticks ... ils&id=332

took me an hour to run this one down.....lots of broken links

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 08:51
by Buffalo Six
yea...forgot about that one....but that stick set guide has some in-depth explaination for what all those sliders mean etc..

IIRC i used to have my sticks set for a very heavy/tight feel....or maybe thats how I had my sticks set in FS9....its been a while. I think thats one of my issues right sticks are over sensitive and I end up flying hamfisted

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 08:53
by Buffalo Six
Also here is a nice overview of the 4.x flight model and what it is doing....for some this is basic info but who reminded me of some things i had misplaced in my mind =) ... 5111047273

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 10:25
by Softball
Is it just me, or is the performance better in IL2 1946 than it was in IL2 FB/PF? I have my game set at the max resolution and max graphics settings and I was getting 50+ FPS in the cockpit last night while I was taking a refresher flight. I don't remember getting that kind of performance before. Maybe that will change with online play?

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 11:08
by Buffalo Six
well for me and this new rig.....I have to be getting max fp's, I see no lag or stutters, even when the AAA is going nuts

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 11:11
by PanzerMeyer
Softball wrote:Is it just me, or is the performance better in IL2 1946 than it was in IL2 FB/PF? I have my game set at the max resolution and max graphics settings and I was getting 50+ FPS in the cockpit last night while I was taking a refresher flight. I don't remember getting that kind of performance before. Maybe that will change with online play?
That's interesting because a lot of people on SimHQ have been complaining about a degredation in performance with 1946. It seems that the copy protection on the dvd is the main culprit. As for me, I have not noticed any difference in performance.