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ok, so I switched gears

Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 09:22
by Buffalo Six
well this past weekend I was farting around with a old campaign I liked about the 352nd FG, and wanted to see if I could pull it apart and make it COOP.

So I did. This was a single player campaign and its about 30 or so missions covering the 352nd FG flight operations from around Dec 12 1944 thru Jan 20th...basically the battle of the bulge. What I did was pull it apart and use a mission tuning tool and give us 12 planes and kind of evened up the odds for the Germans. I have not play tested any of these missions with the new numbers of aircraft, I have no Idea how hard or easy it will be. I can tell you it is a damn challenge to fight a -262 with a "pony"....its all about the angles.

I had to knock the fuel around as I found it insane to try to trim the -51 with a full fuel load. I could see the trim wheel working but the nose she kept climbing....who knows. I may have to check my bindings to see if I'm crossed up some where.

Right now I think the only planes we can fly are the 352nd FG planes.... In the missions I know there are some P47s doing mud moving and some brits here and there. The germans have the usual suspects 109's 190's, 262's etc.. The problem is that I have only played about 6 missions in the single player campaign so I have no idea where or what the German side is doing or what flights are tagged for engagements and what is just extra.... I again dont know if the engagement balence is may be easy for us or way hard. I will say that the Germans have a mix of vets and an ace scattered here and ther, remember this was the cream of what was left of the Luftwaffe in the there will be challenges.

So before i open up the german side for flying I'd like to have us fly a few missions before that.

All the missions have paint jobs tagged to the planes, and i will provide those for people who like to "look" correct. I'll have instructions on how to drop those in.

I might be able to upload these Tues, as Tues night will be my only night to fly this week because Weds morning I leave for DC and my grandmothers funeral at Arlington and I wont be back until Sunday and I really want to be there for these missions.

The P47 missions I am working on are...well...a work in progress. Its been at least 2 years since I was heavy into mission maing and I'm having to relearn a lot of stuff. Also I am tending to make things overly complicated and the missions are too its taking me a while to generate anything meaningful. This was why I dug into this single player campaign to see what they did and well....I liked it so I broke it out to COOP.

Let me know what yall want to do.

Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 11:03
I just can't wait to try the missions PDT_Armataz_01_12

Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 13:36
by Hammer
i can prolly help with the mission editing too Buff.

you said in a -51, but then you said the only flyables are jugs...???

i can make the German aircraft flyable if that is what you need.

just let me know, i can not promise quick turn around - but i can get 'er done...

Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 15:02
by Buffalo Six
heh....No Steel, in the ones i did this weekend, we are flying P-51C/D's and I can make the P47s and some of the RAF stuff flyable....again no idea what they are doing in the missions, when I use my tweek tool all I see are the planes and the fuel, loadout, skins. I can then make a copy of the flight and offset its waypoints (I used the default 10 mile offset....I think its 10 mile...hell it might be meters.....heh)

I can make the German stuff flyable with the a toggle in my tool....but because I dont know how the balence will be I only have us flying the pony...if the balence feels ok with us having 12 planes and the germans pumped up a bit to even the odds....I want to see how it goes. I was temped to exactly even the odds 12 on 12....but sometimes that gets to be a handful and the thought of having to take on 12 -262s.....scares me...1v3 it took me 20 mins to set just one up for a kill.....angles.....angles....flamer!

The big problem I am having is I keep making the missions too long. This is a old habit from my old squadron who like 2 hour long missions. I think shorter missions are better for us here now, not that we dont have the skill, but people have different time availiblity and shorter means more get in and get to have some fun. Besides...flying for an hour to target and getting that golden BB that kills you right off the bat sucks.

From what I know of the 352nd FG, these missions are pretty much right out of their sortie logs when they were at airfield Y29 in Ansch Belgium (ok so I spelled that wrong....the spellchecker freaked out also....) and the one mission they didnt seem to recreate was the 1st mission the Germans flew when they opened up "Boilerplate" (dont make me try that in German....please). The 352nd was sending out a early flight when the Germans hit their airfield. 352nd CO Meyers didnt even have his wheels up when he flamed a 190 over the runway on his take off....thats Meyers take off....the 190 came right him head on as he was taking off....

anyway thats where these missions start....when the Germans kick off boilerplate.....

Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 15:17
by Hammer
o.k. - bt if you have me flying a 190 i may as well fly a jug... i hate both of those planes. :)

Posted: 25 Sep 2007, 05:05
by Nemisis
If you guys are flying IL2 tonight i should hopefully be able to join you all, what is the usual time you guys go online? I will be home from work at 01:15 British summer time thats GMT +1 so i am hoping that will be still be ok to join you guys.

Posted: 25 Sep 2007, 08:35
by Buffalo Six
wow....I play tested a few missions last night....a few were like "General Custer....where the hell did all these Indians come from?"

Count on target rich environments!

Posted: 25 Sep 2007, 08:45
Well thats good PDT_Armataz_01_12 now to make sure I don't run out of amo before the enemy is all tost