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Latest IL-2 Development News

Posted: 14 Dec 2005, 11:28
by PanzerMeyer
I thought you guys may find this interesting. This comes straight from Oleg Maddox (lead designer).

Development updates and news will start again. I promise it.
Just give me a time to finish a lot of other work.

We are working over several things simultaniosly:

- patch with tunings
- Gold Pack on DVD (master is just done)
- Someting like Platinum DVD Pack with the whole content and new things
- Patch that to make Platinum DVD Pack compatible with upcoming add-ons
- Patch for the owners of FB+AEP+PF that to make it compatible with the Platinum DVD Pack (this is the most hard and I'm not sure that we will be able to make it for a short time)
- 3 Russian CD add-ons (pay per add-on) that also are planned for the western market but not defined all rules yet. Howver for Pe-2 we aleady did all English texts (with the help of Luthier. It was too more than 35,000 words to be translated just in brieffings)
- the work over third party planes - still wasn't not stoped... But there is still so much to work...

- BoB - this is the main work.

You see, a lot of work...

The main thing is how to make owners of FB+AEP+PF compatible onlin with the onewrs of final "Platinum" DVD.
For us is better to sell budget DVD really than to make them compatible....

Ok... its just thoughts... the food for your brains...

Posted: 14 Dec 2005, 12:14
Now this makes me smile! I REALLY hope they are going to release the Tempest/Typhoon for ground attack & low-level stuff. I really like those aircraft to look at. And if the FM is programmed fairly accurately, these things would prove to be beasts IMHO. Just my thoughts of course . . . . .
The news is very welcome though,and you can see they are considering all options too. It's really just a matter of what they decide to do. Can't wait to see that come together. 8)