Crafts and hobbies.

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Crafts and hobbies.

Post by BlackHawk*K »

hey, i was curious how many ppl on here do things like wood/rock carving. or anything like that.. ive been on a carving kick, hehe.

any rock hounds out there it would be cool if i could get some discriptions of rocks with interesting qualites and stuff. im also thinking after awhile i may try jewlery. its been fun so far will have to get some pics of my work posted soon.

PS anyone who knows anything about norse weaves and antique craftsmanship, any websites or info would be appriciated.
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Post by Mooseman »

had a quick look on google for you mate. Didn't turn up any sites as such, but there appears to be a whole host of books out there on the subject. Type in Norse art/imagery into google, and it turns up all sorts of stuff. if you try the same, but with Celtic, instead of Norse, then you get more stuff (and there is similarities in the work). I'm going to look thru some notes i may have somewhere for you, as i did a module on Celtic Christianity when i was at university, and we did some stuff on the Celtic artwork and its integration. I'll see if i have any pics for you
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

yea alot of the celtic and norse desighns are pretty similar on some artwork forms. alot of it had to do from what i read so far was that the celts actualy did dealings with the raiding vikings. i dont have all the details in my head right now, but it was a pretty interesting read.

right now im working on a bed head pieces with dragon motifs. it was a state bed found in sweden.

ive always been empresed by the weavings ive seen, after trying to emulate them myself in some work ive done, ive gained alot higher respect for the proportions and the artistry of it. mine always tend to look a bit lopsided or out of proportion hehe. but what the hey still working on it :P
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Post by Firemane »

I am a geologist by education and trade, though I don't think I can think of much off the top of my head to help you. There are a lot of folks into minerals & gems that haven't been schooled in geology but know a lot more than I on this subject. Some web searching and looking for carving books on sites like might give you some ideas. The one that comes to my mind is the Inuit carvings done with soapstone but you are likely familiar with that by now. But if you have any questions about rocks/geology, let me know and I will help you get some answers.
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

cool thanks for your input Firemane.

right now off the top of my head, what does it mean about water content in rocks? a local carver was talking about it. and im not sure what he meant, either rocks created by water deposit? or actualy water content in rocks?
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Post by Firemane »

He could easily be referring to either subject, and they both are related. Some rocks are formed by the precipitation of minerals from water, such as gypsum. And gypsum even has H2O in its chemical formula. As far as rock carving goes, I would think the water content in the rock you are working on has a lot to do with how the stone will cut. A lot of stones formed in water can "dry out" so the fact they are formed in the water wouldn't affect much other than most are made of small particles that got transported in water then cemented together later (like sandstone). I foound this link that has some general info on rock carving stones:

As part of my job, I recently went to some springs that had a notable amount of "tufa", or travertine deposits. They are pretty porous looking, a lot like pumice. If I go back and can get a piece, I could send it to you though I am not sure it would be worth the postage.
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

thanks for the quite reply. ive always been a 'rock hound' for as long as i can remember, its interesting living in oregon, you got alot of fossils, petrified wood and other things out there just waiting to be found. recently the misses and i went to obsidian flow and that was a cool deal. to be honest i didnt know that there are two kinds of pumis stone and its formed with obsidian. i thought that was a cool fact and it makes a little scence now that i think about it.

For cool rocks, we go up to a place called Fall creek. its remarkable the different kinds of stones and rocks and such in the creek bed. i found a comglomerate that was green with larger green pebbles in it. i carved a turtle shell out of it and it looked pretty cool :P i finished it up with a nice brown striped sand stone for the rest of the turtle hehe. there is all sorts of stuff up there, alot of agate type rocks. some nice smooth sand stone that is good for carving in many different ranges of colors. anything from grays, hints of blue, to greens. we found one round rock that was realy cool. its red with tan sides. meaning the the stone is round, but on each side there is a tan area. and the red looks like a box inside. i didnt want to carve that one up for anything hehe.

working on a nordic cross currently will try to get some pics posted of my works soon as i quite being lazy.
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

just got done looking at that site, has some great references and examples. Thanks for the link! :rockin:
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Post by Mincemeat »

BH, tinker with any of the RC cars anymore?
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

no im saving those for when im rich and famous hehe.

at least i can pick up some good scraps of wood from work for free, or find a cool rock or two laying around to carve on.

i realy dont have alot of tools yet and it could get expensive carving if i wanted it to, but so far a decent set of diamond tip dremel tools are only around $15.

as to the RC cars, i still go out in the garage and stare at em and dream a little bit though :P
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Post by Featherhorse »

Laughs hysterically at thought of BH in garage.
"Vroom Vroom! EEEErrrrrrRrRRRR Oh No! there's oil on the road Racer K!
Swwwwwwwiiiiiisshhhhh CRAAASH!"

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Post by BlackHawk*K »

no.... thats usualy in my bedroom with the kids hotwheels after they go to bed ;)
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Post by Featherhorse »

Speaking of childish behavior.
I've decided to get involved with a group of losers I was hanging out with 10 years ago or so. Actually they aren't losers, but rather are on par with present company.

My persona is a 5th Century BC Greek Artisan, born and raised on Mt. Helicon, working in Athens and learning everything he can about the various arts, sciences, and philosophy. The Muses appeared to him (me) and sent him to Apokrypha to learn the "Art" of war. How do I get there? Pegasus takes me there in my dreams.
So there's some Featherhorse trivia that pre-dates my involvment in 'Mech.
I'm currently working on some period scale armor, greaves, cuirass and helmet, made from (non-period) Stainless Steel and Fibreglass. They should be posting up some pics of it after the big war on Oct. 2nd.

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Post by Crickett »

Cool Feather kick ass :axe can't wait for the pics :D

Lt.Col.Crickett,acting CO.
71st. Light Horse
The White Horse Reg.

On any planet on any terrain in any climate,ELH will meet and defeat any enemy!!!
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

hehe pretty cool feather :P

ive seen some groups like that around this area aslo. im not sure by what names or associations they are though. at one time i thought about getting into something like that, but being outside 90% of the time working, i enjoy the nice safty of the house for the weekends... ( in other words " AUUUHHG the sun BURNS, it BUUURRNS!!!" :::runs back in to the house till monday:::)

Post up some pics on some stuff, i might be able to carve you out a pendant or something if i can see the desighn and got the skills by then ;)
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

ok, i know i promised to get some pics of some of the things ive carved so here they are. you all can beat me about the head and shoulders for being such a lazy ass and not getting them up till now lol.

The first picture is of a nordic headboard found in sweeden. the carving is not an exact replica, mainly becuse i coudlnt draw it right lol. but hey it looks neet as it is. these are the two sides. they will be attached to the head board part that attaches to the bed when im done. they are made out of 1 inch by 1 inch oak laminated togather. ... dboard.jpg

This next carving is out of a big flat rock hehe. gray in color and pretty ordinary around these parts. basikly a river rock. perhaps firemane can fill in any technical details about the rock :P

its of an hand carving you find common among some tribes of native americans. ... anhand.jpg

this next carving is one of my best and most details works to date. its made of a slightly greenish sand stone, with very fine particulates. it was fairly easy to work, however it was very brittle as well. so caution was required while i carved this peice. i had to put my finger over the flash to get it dark enough to show the details in the carving. thats why the dark appearance of the picture. ... ccross.jpg

thats all i got for now. i got more carvings but its late and i will just have to get off my ass and get em pictured.
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