new downloads thread posted

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new downloads thread posted

Post by Hammer »

I have made a new downloads thread and locked it so folks can easily find what they need in one viewing.

If you have any comments on what is contained in the downloads thread please post, PM myself or send an e-mail.

One thing we need to discuss is our continuation (or not) of Shattered States...

An additional item to discuss is finding more missions... Weaps/unis are dandy, but without new missions GR is nothing but more of the same...excepting radical changes to the game like WOI.
Posts: 2731
Joined: 17 Aug 2002, 21:06

Post by KODIAK »

I understand where you are coming from there Steel - I had a chat with Gator about missions, he was looking for some new ideas on what to put together. And my ideas I think were just too involveed for the G-R scripting - but I was thinking along the lines of how missions are really conducted & planned at our level.
The first thing which happens is the intel available is acted on and a recon undertaken to establish the quality of the intel provided and gain whatever new intel we can. Next a plan is devised by the nominated section commander (who's orders are followed by the rest of the section - so whatever he/she decides to do is the deciding factor in success or failure i.e. no deviating from the plan unless your life is seriously endangered or the plan has already failed yadda yadda yadda.....). This would then lead to the actions required for the next mission i.e.level of success or failure would determine your next mission, and how it is related to the last. For example, say you managed to blow-up the bridge but they got a squadron of tanks over before you completed the mission then you would have to undertake a further mission within a certain time limit in order to gain full success, against the number of casualties you sustain in doing this would be levied the number of opposition you encounter on the next mission indicating the drop in standard of your replacement troops.

Enough to chew on?
:wink: :lol:

It is not the technique that wins a fight, but the more furious mind - Kodiak WOF

You are stuck on stupid. I'm not going to answer that question! - Gen Honore, New Orleans Sep 05
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