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Tribes 1.11

Posted: 08 Jul 2006, 10:36
by BlackHawk*K
i happened to have this installed.

loaded it up the other day and low and behold, people are still playing it lol. so joined a elite renegades server and got bashed down realy good. im suprised i quite playing this for so long, i forgot how fun it is.

if you guys play tribes 1 too, keep a look out for a guy named Kafinated. that would be me ;)

oh for those of you who never played it... i think you can get it here for free

Posted: 09 Jul 2006, 19:16
by Falker
Rgr that. I think this ones better than T2. IMO more fun .. I just got the DL for it along with a few others there at the same place.

GL Moving Again , Where you off too ? I figured you would have had your own 2 story house by now , with a basement heh.

See you when you get back.


Posted: 09 Jul 2006, 19:26
by Hammer
well, has anyone tried the mechina mod for tribes 2??? i have it, but have never installed it yet. tribes 2 was also available for free...