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GRAW Map Pack 5 Posted

Posted: 23 Feb 2007, 19:33
by Gator
I just posted our 5th map pack. For some reason, it gives a funky name when I try to DL it - not sure why. But for best results, right click the download button and choose "save as" and give it a reasonable name. That should work.

It contains 18 maps and appears to have more "scripting" than the other maps we've downloaded.

Descriptions for 5 of the missions:
AA Bombard Checkpoint 70
This time You have a US Abrams to support you and a sniper position available. Defend the checkpoint and destroy all adverse forces.

AA Bombard Check Point 7 {DEFENCE}
Your mission is to defend the check point by all means necessary. Heavily Armed Soldiers come in waves and so will tanks. Be ready to fight the Most Intense fight.

AA Bombard Base Assault 2
This time Resistance is more fierce. Marines are captive by Heavily Armed Special Forces, and are ready to be executed inside the infulstructers sewer tunnels. Save the Marines then Eliminate the HPT (high priority target known to be wearing beret)

Assault the base and Relieve the Marines. The Marines Are no where near the extraction point, Intelligence says they are inside a barrack guarded by multiple enemy tangos.

AA Bombard RoadBlock Ambush
In this map you will have two US Tanks to back you up, but the unstoppable force is up the road, follow the road to the extraction points and survive the ambushs.

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 14:24
by Jedi Master
Grabbing it now...finally.

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 14:49
by PanzerMeyer
I'll get it now. Thanks for posting it Gator.

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 08:19
Ok well Friday night lets test out the new maps PDT_Armataz_01_12 any way to get a list of what the new maps are so we can play them and only them for a change

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 09:44
by Buffalo Six
1st off I know Gator just copied and pasted the mission descriptions, but dang...a 12 year old wrote those =)

And what the hell is wrong with the Marines....they sure seem to get captured a lot.....

I have them loaded also and am good to go whenever we want to fire up some GRAW

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 09:46
by Hammer
it does not matter - 12 or 30. americans as a whole can not write, and folks don't care to write decently. i see it everywhere - missions for games, work e-mails, work reviews, readme's and work instruction produced by engineers, VP's - it is apalling to me.

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 10:19
by PanzerMeyer
Steel wrote:i see it everywhere - missions for games, work e-mails, work reviews, readme's and work instruction produced by engineers, VP's - it is apalling to me.
LOL. Got anyone in mind Steel? PDT_Armataz_01_12

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 10:43
*Veg hides*

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 13:03
by Gator
veg is a terrible offender.

I'd recommend moving all the old missions to a temp folder and then putting the new missions in -- at least whoever plans to host should do this so that they don't run any of the old missions. If you never host, just go ahead and load up your folder.

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 13:53
well guess I am safe, no wants me to host lol, one of the few good things o a old pc

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 15:02
by Hammer
forums are fine - it is just bs stuff and we communicate fine. it is in things that are supposed to be professional communications and where you are impressing folks (i.e. a mission designer that wants his/her missions liked). not gonna happen and folks are going to think you are a putz if you write like a kindergardener...

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 15:50
by PanzerMeyer
Steel wrote: not gonna happen and folks are going to think you are a putz if you write like a kindergardener...
Shouldn't it be spelled "kindergartener"? PDT_Armataz_01_12 j/k

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 20:16
by Hammer
if you are using the german influence... ;) but it is a garden of children - so proper english would be childgardener...???

Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 19:47
by Jedi Master
Well, seeing as I'm often the one hosting, I have indeed set my folders up as suggested. New maps only on Friday!