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Winter Mod in the works...

Posted: 01 Sep 2002, 15:38
by Softball
I found these pics over at SIMHQ. Oh man, this looks SWEET!





Posted: 01 Sep 2002, 20:02
by Hammer
If you think that is sweet, you've obviously never been out in the field in the winter...! :D

The pics do look good - I think they are close to release on this.


Posted: 01 Sep 2002, 21:22
by Softball
I know what you mean, I've lived the real thing. While in the USMC (1988 - 1996), I was stationed in Bridgeport, CA during the Winter of 1991 for cold weather training. I enjoyed the training, but not the cold -30 below nights on Ski Patrol. Also, living in the snow for weeks on end, with 80+ others who have not had showers. UGH! Talk about stink on stink.

It should be a real treat in GR. :)

Gator, Bad Karma, and I played Americas Army tonight for about an hour or so. You should have seen the kids on this server, OMFG! Throwing grenades like they were snow balls. We promptly changed teams, and then ran into a few idiot team killers, that eventually got kicked/ROED(ROE - Rules of Engagement) outta there. I think it would be much better if we were to play with 5 on 5 with a WOF team.

Posted: 02 Sep 2002, 04:53
by Gator
3v3 or 4v4 would be ok too. But Softball is right - i felt like we were in the middle of a cluster bomb attack with all the grenades bursting. Either that or a KISS concert ...


Posted: 02 Sep 2002, 11:47
by Hammer
Well, what should be done is to find some reputable squads that play regularly...and have games vs. them. There is also a league ladder for AA now. That would probably be interesting and fun, and would not be the same as just jumping into a public server (unless you know the good ones). At one time I did know the good GR servers to go into...

Posted: 02 Sep 2002, 18:16
I hope therès still life in G-R yet. I, having finally seen the light, am getting some interest from a few of the guys here at work whoève recently moved in. And if they really enjoy it, we may see them wanting to join the group - although that final decision depends entirely on you guys.
Most of them will be beginners really, but I thought the more the merrier, especially for when others cannot make it.

Regards, Don

Posted: 03 Sep 2002, 06:07
by Gator
don't worry -- i wouldn't expect GR to disappear anytime soon. Especially with the new expansion shipping this month.


Posted: 03 Sep 2002, 17:52
by Hammer
and so what if they are beginners - we all were at some point! :D