
Moderator: RLG MGMT Team

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Posts: 5222
Joined: 11 May 2005, 14:50

Post by Hammer »

As we have stated to other folks - we don't play run and gun. We are mostly ex-military or law enforcement with a few exceptions, and we like to play as realistically as possible. We do understand these are games, but we do try to use RL tactics and be somewhat realistic within the confines of the game environment (no bunny hopping, wholesale charges with guns blazing in the open, etc.).

If your unit likes the same, we would probably like to have a test scrimmage. We are generally not interested in leagues, although some of our folks may enjoy participating (that is mostly due to the run and gun and gamesmanship tactics that leagues and public servers turn into). Run and gun units, and those that use the game itself to achieve advantages will generally slaughter us...and that is not fun to us.

So if that sounds like a fit, please post here and someone will coordinate a session, if the unit agrees... Thx.
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