DCS Sale on like Donkey Kong

For the DCS World series of games.

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DCS Sale on like Donkey Kong

Post by Hudson »

http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p ... ost2165266

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3: $39.99 to $15.99 (60% off)
DCS: A-10C Warthog: $39.99 to $15.99 (60% off)
DCS: Black Shark 2: $39.99 to $11.99 (70% off)
DCS: Combined Arms: $19.99 to $7.99 (60% off)
DCS: UH-1H Huey: $49.99 to $14.99 (70% off)
DCS: P-51D Mustang: $29.99 to $11.99 (60% off)
DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight: 49.99 to $24.99 (50% off)
F-15C for DCS World: $9.99 to $4.99 (50% off)
A-10A for DCS World: $9.99 to $4.99 (50% off)
Su-25 for DCS World: $9.99 to $4.99 (50% off)
DCS: F-86F Sabre: $49.99 to $39.99 (20% off)
DCS: Fw 190 D-9 Dora: $49.99 to $39.99 (20% off)
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Re: DCS Sale on like Donkey Kong

Post by Hammer »

you know if they would do Vietnam era aircraft I would probably be all over it. I love the Phantom.
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Re: DCS Sale on like Donkey Kong

Post by Hudson »

You're not the only one that has said that :)

Lots of people want Vietnam. Everyone and their unborn child wants a Phantom too. That said we now have 3 approximately Vietnam era aircraft with one more definitely on the list.

We have the Sabre which is Vietnam era. I think this exact model is a bit after, but close enough to not be a huge deal.

We also have the Mi-8MTV2 which is similar time frame. The Mi-8 was used in Vietnam, though the MTV2 I guess flew for the first time the same year the war ended so it's unlikely it was used there. Or used much. But still likely to be of similar functionality to anything that was there. It's not like the MTV2 has guided weapons or anything,

The UH-1H was in Vietnam I believe, though I think I've heard people say there are differences from the 1H modeled and the Vietname era 1H. Still, again, probably not anything insanely off balancing. Would any of us know the difference in the above three and there slightly older predecessors? Honestly?

We're also getting the MiG-15 which is Vietnam era.

So we have a good start.
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Re: DCS Sale on like Donkey Kong

Post by Hudson »

And I forgot the MiG-21Bis which we'll see on Steam on Oct 3rd and probably this month for download off of ED's website. It's a fair bit newer than the war (first ones to Vietnam 1979-ish from what people have said), but still a MiG-21, another aircraft that was used in the war. The 21Bis itself is actually from around '72.
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Re: DCS Sale on like Donkey Kong

Post by Hammer »

rotary wing does not count unless it is the Cobra! :)

yes, uh-1h was Vietnam and then into the 80's.

but f4, a6, a4, the avenger, cobra, mig-17 (?), mig 15, mig 21.
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Re: DCS Sale on like Donkey Kong

Post by Hudson »

AH-1G was planned, but Belsimtek put up a poll asking if people would rather have an S or W instead. I think the overwhelming response has been for the W so I don't know where that's going.
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Re: DCS Sale on like Donkey Kong

Post by Hudson »

Here's the page with the poll. Who knows. Maybe we'll get all 3 in time. I'd be even happier with that outcome.
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Re: DCS Sale on like Donkey Kong

Post by Hudson »

They're also working on a new map, a new Nimitz model, and improved carrier Ops, for the F/A-18C release. I guess Middle East is a likely candidate. They've also said the Normandy map, which was due in May, is on hold until the F/A-18C theatre map is complete. That makes many believe the F/A-18C is further along than we thought. They showed early development pictures of the cockpit that looked middle of the road in terms of completion this week, so I didn't have that feeling, but who knows. It could be that work on the Normandy map would drag out the F/A-18C release even further than wherever they hope (I do not believe we're going to see it Q1 2015, but who knows what 6 or 7 months work can yield)

They also showed some CA updates on the existing map using Edge. It does quite a bit even for the old map. You can see the grass swaying in the wind (3:22 is where it looks best to me; some of the earlier times, not quite as much), etc. I guess we'll have to wait and see what we actually get that in the release though :)

They're still saying 2014 for Edge, even as of last week. We'll see.
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