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Mission Builder Gadgets

Posted: 10 Jun 2023, 14:51
by Bones

Re: Mission Builder Gadgets

Posted: 10 Jun 2023, 19:09
by Trichome
Thanks. I know ZERO about scripts or how they work to be honest so the MOOSE is going to be out of my wheelhouse.

The first program looks good but to use it at RLG a script needs to be installed on the server if Im reading this right. Is this a possibility? Seems like an interesting program to make the base seem more populated.

"StopGaps fully supports Multiplayer [Note: requires a tiny 'stopGapGUI' script installed only on the server..."
Also only works on land bases which isn't really an issue for us.

Re: Mission Builder Gadgets

Posted: 11 Jun 2023, 21:48
by Xpendable
I am not a fan of this (the first one which adds "life" to the bases). Lots of assets at a base in MP will kill my frame rate and make it unflyable for me. At least that's what I experienced when we tried missions that were heavily loaded with assets. It can get down to < 5 fps for me if there's a ton of stuff. At least hold off trying this until I build a new computer (hopefully later this summer)...

I glossed over what "Stop Gap" is supposed to do, and it's supposed to place static models in place of player models when there is not a player in the slot. In theory, the static models use a lot less mesh data to render vs a player model. But, the thing I need to point out is they still take up triangles and textures. I won't really know how it will affect me unless we try it out. I just know that having a populated base, regardless of whether it's static models vs player models, won't be as performant for me versus a mostly unpopulated base. Maybe a test is needed to see how playable it would be for us lesser mortals with older hardware. :)