Carpet Bombing Lomac Style, This one is for Madrus!!

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Carpet Bombing Lomac Style, This one is for Madrus!!

Post by Nemisis »

Ok spoke to Softball and Madrus about the Screenshots i had seen at the Lomac forums about a guy that created an all AI B1B carpet bombing mission and how the screen shots of this City getting blasted were Spectacular.

So i thought i'd find the post and put it up for you all to see how Carpet bombing is done Lomac Style!!!

I have not put links to the Screenshots here but rather i have put a link to the thread in the Lomac forum itself, since it contains a lot of information on how to do this for your self if you want to!

Any way enough rambling, Click the link!

(P.S. this forum is a bit unreliable very buggy and slow to DL even on large bandwidth connections so be patient if it takes a while and if it doesn't show up at all or times out then retry later on, it's worth it!) ... d&id=zrjyg
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Barrie "Nemisis" Brownlee
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Trying to replicate this

Post by Hudson »

I am trying to get some carpet bombing pics using B-52's with bombs and maybe even cruise missiles after I get the bombs working. I have been having a gawd aweful time getting it to work though. I think one problem is I had the planes flying WAY too low. After half heartedly messing with it all night I managed to get one B52 to drop one bomb that landed dead in the middle of a stadium, so not really any destruction either. Kind of sad. I'm gonna get them flying up around 30,000-50,000 feet like one person stated and get them running from maybe 7 miles out and see if I can get them to actually drop on the coordinates like I want.

Anyone else tried this? Having a MIG/SU mission where we have to stop the B-52's with F-16 cover coming to bomb our wonderful Russian weapons factories could be really fun. And extremely spectacular shooting down B-52's. Hell even failure would be spectacular when they unload.

We could even reverse it with F-15's and Tupolev's.

BTW when do I get a nuclear cruise missile to drop on a city? Can you imagine the horror (and beauty) of THAT mushroom clowd lomac style?
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Post by Madrus »

Sounds like great ideas for a mission.
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Post by daofcmacg »

I love it I love it I love it KILL THEM ALL LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!

Grim Diablo, Grand Admiral, Erebus System Survey Group
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Post by Nemisis »

Scary! Very Scary! 8O
Lose Sight! Lose The Fight!8)
Barrie "Nemisis" Brownlee
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Got them working

Post by Hudson »

OK I managed to get the B-52's carpet bombing. You can not put weapons on the external pylons or they will drop only one bomb on their dive. You have to go internal bay only. So I got about 23 B-52's foing a run on smurfnopel (whatever the hell the big city is...) and me in a my imaginary OA-10 (OK so it was an A-10 armed to the gills but I can pretend)

It was a thing of beauty...

:twisted: Then I got bored and shot down some B52's... :twisted:

Now I'm taking a break and loading up Debian for s390 (mainframe) in an emulator... in an emulator... (yes thats an emulated x86 running an emulated mainframe...); only so much the beautiful PC can do at once. 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by daofcmacg »

I've been trying to get some missions done to no success. I did create a mission where there were two SEAD two ESCORTS and a Ground Strike package, plus 3 packages of GAI(Ready 5) to defend the airbase that was marked for death. Well ummm it was anything but Professional. Once the inbound aircraft came into the ring of death and was painted by the SAM site I had setup near the airbase all hell broke loose and all unit cohesion fell to the wayside, then to make things even worse once the GAI took off and started to knife fight with all elements of the strike package none of the AI seemed to remember what it was they needed to do. Now the F/A-18c's did make it thru the wave of GAI aircraft and I guess they were setting up to strike the main radar of the SAM installation but
1. I noticed that no one was with there wingman.
2. There were sporadic attacks against the SAM site.
3. It was as if when they decided to attack the SAM site it was fine by them.
I just didn't get that, and that was just one element of the mission team. At first the second escort element would run for the hills once they crossed the threshold of the SAM radar also I can't figure out how to assign Escorts to a package so I had to give them waypoints in the general vacinity of the strike.

Now I'm no genius and I'm just getting into LOMAC but ummmm Janes F-18 mission builder was more robust than this one and more flexable with alot more options to explore. Maybe I'm just missing them and need to get the paper back manual but that dosen't guarantee that they explain the mission builder in detail.

Grim Diablo, Grand Admiral, Erebus System Survey Group
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I have the electronic...

Post by Hudson » version of the $50 manual. I was really hoping that they were going to delve into the mission editor. Suffice it to say they didn't. I'm starting to get the hang of it though. Did you save the map? Can you save it somewhere where I can download it? If so maybe we can figure it out together. Sounds like a fun mission with lots of stuff going on. It would be nice if it would all stick like it shoud :D

You may have to assign targets for the escort and set their survival as a requirement for mission success. Then they may stay nearby and grow some teeth.
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Post by daofcmacg »

I am downloading ICQ at work as we speak and if your on ICQ I will hit you up. I have a copy of the mission on my USB portable HDD memory stick, 512mb man I remember not to long ago they were tweaking out at 256. This time next year you might see 5gig USB sticks. Hudson I put the file in my ICQ shared folder and also e-Mailed it to you, I can't seem to get your ICQ number from the board and its not listed at the WOF site so hopefully you will get it in the mail or download it from ICQ. I will be running it all weakend while I'm away from work, just attached and grab it.

Grim Diablo, Grand Admiral, Erebus System Survey Group
Death Angel, SGT, 13th MEU
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